Sunday, August 07, 2005

He's baaaack: Microsoft Geek Blogger

After a three day snit Scoble is back. As a career bloggist, you can't let your Technorati numbers drop too far after all. From the first batch of postings we've already spotted one mistake. A "honeypot" machine does not consist of a user browsing to virus laden websites. It is a passive server sort of things that APPEAERS to be vulnerable to worms, etc. Also Honeypot systems, nor the related "Sugarcane" set-ups do anything regarding trojen-horse email attacks and the like, which are (I think) the bulk of the vectors targeting Windows.

Secondly I have a suggestion: I have what I think is called a "link-blog" (or maybe I made that word up). It consists of quick links to sites I've visited and found interesting, followed, optionally, by a quick comment about why I am blogging it. Anyone reading such a thing quickly realizes that no fact-checking or deep thought has gone into the thing. Thats what the Scoble blog has looked like recently. Twenty hits a day by someone who can write well and type fast with few errors between the staff meeting and lunch.

There is another type of blog (this one) where the emphasis should be on WHAT YOU THINK or a fact that you have found (usually backed up by links). The two blogs can be interlinked in various ways, or not, depending how much you want your careless "scratchwork" to be visible.

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