Thursday, September 01, 2005 - Apple Pulls Mac Mini Free Trial Offer

"As to why the offer was pulled, votes are split between the following:

1) it was only ever planned to run for 12 hours (boring but probably true)
2) Apple sold out of stock (boring but possibly true)
3) Apple panicked at the thought of a mountain of second-hand Mac Minis being returned and the resulting massive reconditioning bill (funny, but almost certainly not true)"

4) Steve Job's has panicked at the thought that Apple stockholder are going to want to shove all leftover machines up his butt. (almost certainly true, as he claims sole responsibility for "not being impressed" with upcoming PowerPC technology. Checking to see what sort of engineering degree Steve has...**)

**Inventor Steve Jobs: "In 1972 Jobs graduated from high school and register at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. After dropping out of Reed after one semester, he hung around campus for a year, taking classes in philosophy and immersing himself in the counterculture."


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